<aside> ⚠️ Here you should write down your information regarding your sleeping arrangements as well as when you will be on the Playa and who you will go with.


Sleeping arrangements

Untitled Database

How and when are you coming

There must be an entry per car or bus trip

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Bikes available for rental

These are the bikes that are available for rent. You are responsible from reaching the previous renter and ask for their state and if it needs some love. the fee to rent a bike is $60. This is a first come, first served service so be quick to get your bike.

If you are interested in a bike make the payment with the ID of the bike and your name. Example: “Bike 10 - Jhon Snow”.

Once the fee has been paid we will remove it from this list so it’s yours and only yours. Bikes won’t be reserved until the fee has been received.

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Bike storage purchase 2024

<aside> ⚠️ These bikes are not for rental. Check out the list above for available bikes to rent.


Here there are all the bikes that belong to someone (donated are not here) that are in the truck in 2024. If you want to store your bike in the truck until 2025 you should paid the yearly storage fee ($50). HQ will set the “Paid year” column to 2024. Please, help us organizing and pay or donate the bikes before May 1st. This is the date you should have paid the camp fees so you should know by this time if you are or not coming with us.

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